This is my before. (sorry for the goofy look, I obviously had lots of 'help') Now, granted, I have come a long way since May, but I am still SOO not there yet. I look great in clothes (see other picture), but when my tummy is showing (only at the pool or for Sweet Love) I am SO not happy! Can someone tell me how I can be too small for a size 6 in jeans, and still have a tummy that looks like this???? What gives?
I have lots more to say, but since the boy is up and attacking the world, I will stop here, till naptime! ;)
They are not bad at all. So your tummy is the place you will never be happy with, b/c it looks great, God fearfully and wonderfully made YOU. Plus, pool season is almost over until next summer.
Nice crooked picture!!! ha ha ha I'll try and do my pics next week after I get back. Hmm what to wear, oh yea, the ONLY pair of shorts I have that fit me!!!
Um, the pic is not crooked... it is me that cannot stand up straight! Yes, I loath my belly... but I love those legs! Thank you God for running!
what great pictures :) way to go!
you look great!
sweet baby too!
My before pictures soooo motivated me and it takes guts to get them up on a blog.. so way to go to you for having the courage to do what few choose to do.. :) It was always my pictures that brought me back to working out when i wanted to quit... so motivating :)
i too have a tummy issue too... having 3 kids all close (very close) to 10lbs each was not very nice to my belly OR my belly button :)
but what's a mom to do..
get fit anyway. or eat blue bell all day... i finally chose fit :)
Love your smile!
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