Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Just a quick post to let you know where I am. My SIL is here with her two kids. They ran from the storm. They have some damage to their house, but hopefully minor stuff. They will stay with us until their town gets food and gas. So far there is VERY limited food and mostly canned at that! She did get power today, so that was welcomed news! There are a lot of people in the town she fled that are hurting. They are hourly workers that are not working, because there is no power, and a lot of the companies they work for have extensive damage. Then add all the downed fences, water pump houses etc, and the lack of water and gas (important to run the generators, like for well water, because you just HAD to stay in town to guard your 'junk', I mean, 'stuff'!)

Last weekend my mother and father in law were in town too. So, in total, we had three extra dogs, three extra adults, and two extra kids all in our 1200 sq. foot house! That was a wild ride of a weekend!

God has been so gracious to me with my gift of a sister in law. We have had a lot of fun. I have been bad and not worked out, but I sure have not been on my tail end either! With three kids clamoring for our attention, and the extra laundry and mouths to feed, we both have been busy. I love it. I do need to get out and enjoy the weather while running a little crazy out. I am tired, and The Boy is not sleeping well. Must be something about having fun cousins to wake up to every morning! Oh, there he is crying right now... ugh. I feel for the kid!

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

we had folks running from the storm too...
such a horrible thing for crystal beach etc... wow.

good to hear from ya :)
