Ah, I have cleared out the house of relatives, and I have cleaned it, and almost have all our 'stuff' back where it belongs! Funny how something as simple as bowls being in the wrong cabinet can really throw one!
I have gone to a few parties recently and am struck by the variety of body shapes, and sizes. Seems to me, the more money you have, somehow, the WAY too skinny one gets. Anyway, I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others around me. When I 'find' myself superior (I am being mean to myself because, seriously, I am a grown woman, I need not compare myself to other women!) I should be ashamed because the women I am 'superior' to are not taking good care of themselves and I should be doing SO much more for myself. When I find myself 'lacking', well, those are the women that look like they sacrifice their health for the love of fashion. As in, they are so skinny, in order to look good in all those cute pricey clothes, that they cannot possibly be nourishing their bodies. A nourished body still has curves, right? Anyway, all this to say, I should be comparing myself... to ME.
How am I doing? Not so well, but I think you all knew that. While the family was here, I regained my focus, but was not as able to execute like I wanted. There was a LOT going on here! So, here I am with no more excuses, just regular life. What am I going to do about it?
First, I have given up cokes again. My beloved Dr Pepper. Next, for this whole month, I want to undo some of those quick lunches out with the fam and do a Sunday fast of liquids only, including green smoothies. And while I am on the Green Smoothies, I had one today, first one in about 3 weeks. Lord have mercy on my digestive tract. I swear I could feel it pushing hard on a greasy blockage! haha! We will know tomorrow! I will be paying my dues, right!
I have more than that I want to do, but this is getting long. I cannot wait to see Laura tomorrow. I started the weight plan that she has been on for a few months, and I KNOW I will be in pain. She will get a grand kick out of that!
Oh, and hound me about not taking that stupid jog stroller in to get fixed. It is my GRAND excuse for not running... at all. Sweet Love has been SO busy at work that it is impossible to keep his job, and be home in time for me to run! Besides, it is getting to the time of year that it is dark early, and even if he could come home, it would be dark anyway. I love running in the cool weather... get my rear out there and run with The Boy. He loves it! It would suck too, because ti would be SO much harder. Now I have no excuses, because driving all the way down there (all 20 minutes) just doesn't counteract the benefit, now does it?
1 comment:
Good post, we will talk more later.
Such a lame lame lame excuse for not running. You will live a life full of those lame excuses if you let piddly things and your children be your excuses! So over your excuses for not doing something I know you love to do!
Was that a firm but not spiky kick in the butt to take care of the stroller?
You NEED to do the 7 day cleanse.
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