Monday, October 20, 2008

Still sick, and so is The Boy

I am still sick. Well enough to jog a mile I am sure, and I was planning on getting in the gym this morning to get in that killer leg workout I missed out on last week since I was sick. But then I realized that my son must have what I had. He has no fever, but by the way that he has laid on me ALL day and not eaten and basically cried or whined the rest of the time, I am pretty sure he is sick too. Ugh. Oh well! At least I still have the desire to get out there, and it did not pass by me while I was sick! ;) Now I just have to find a way to talk Sweet Love into dealing with The Boy while he watches Monday Night Football and I go run! ;)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Since you have DVR and he can record or pause the game until you get back if need be...there is NO reason you can not get out there.