Sunday, October 26, 2008

Today I FINALLY went for a run...

...And my whole body stood with applause. My legs were clapping the loudest. My heart and lungs were also giving a hearty clap. My ears were hollering joyfully, but the loudest, most excited whooping and hollering, came from my mind. My brain was so glad, so relieved, so content, that I could barely hear Shakira telling me that her 'Hips Don't Lie'. Seriously, I could feel my whole body clapping and screaming! Geeze. You would think, with my whole body so happy to run, that I would not avoid it so much. I mean, what is the 5 minutes to get ready, the 30 minutes to shower, and the 30 minutes to run. Is it really THAT much work? I guess I just need to add that to my list of things I CAN change about myself... hmmm


Laura said...

About stinkin' time. Don't think I did not get you avoiding it Friday! ha ha ha There will never be a perfect day, perfect time, perfect weather, perfect anything for us to get it done; we just have to make it priority!

Ruthie said...

yippppppie for you!
its funny how much of a fight we put up sometimes for the things that make us feel so good. :)

great post
thanks for sharin