Thursday, November 27, 2008


Well, I had planned on running twice today. I ran for an hour yesterday and my knee whined a little all the rest of the day. Because of that, my hope was to put in another 6 miles, but be kind to my knee by breaking it into two runs.

Well... I did not factor in that The Boy would throw up on me at 4am. I do not think he is sick like Ruthie's family, he has been fine all day. I just think something did not set well. Anyway, I had to change my sheets and my clothes and his clothes before going back to an incredibly restless sleep. Oh, and we caught TWO rats last night. Finally. I have been trying to catch those nasty creatures for FAR too long. SO that was one more thing to keep me up last night... hearing them caught in the glue traps... ugh.
OK, so let me swing right into food! haha! I got to host Thanksgiving for my in laws. I love doing this sort of thing. I think it turned out really well. Look at the pretty, SO NOT CLEAN EATS, table full of food! Sweet Love did an exceptional job on the turkey. I am so proud!


Laura said...

WOW! I must be too good of a friend since I never get the table set like that for me! ha ha ha ha ha Looks good.

Amy said...

yum....certainly looks better than the turkey we had at the hospital cafeteria...haha.