I can not even begin to describe how excited I am that tomorrow is the start of Lent! No, I am not Catholic or any other denomination that observes Lent. I am just a Baptist that watched my dear roommate in college solemnly observe Lent every year. It intrigued me. I asked a million questions, as I am apt to do! Soon after, I started to observe this Holy time of year as well. In fact, Dr Pepper was the first thing I ever gave up! (Now I don't drink them at all!)
I love the idea of taking time out of every year to remember the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior. Granted, Lent is such a small sacrifice compared to His. However, it still speaks to me on a deep level. I also love the discipline it takes to make it through till Easter.
This year, God as asked me to give up TV watching for Lent. Ouch. I am also going to give up sugar as well. That one is for me, the TV is for God! ;)
Oh, and I do not like the idea of getting to indulge in whatever you gave up on Sundays... so for me, it is really 46 days. Somehow it seems so NOT a sacrifice if you can still have whatever you gave up, every week anyway! haha!
So, here is to Fat Tuesday. I plan to eat a sweet or two and watch as much of my recorded TV as I can (so there will be room to save all of my favorites, American Idol and Biggest Loser)! Then, tonight, I will hide all the sweets (Girl Scout cookies will go in the freezer) and put a sticky note on the TV to remind me of my 'sacrifice'!
How about you? Do you observe Lent? What are you giving up?
I gave up tv one year for lent. Wow! You'll be surprised how difficult it is! There are tv's everywhere!
My husband is Catholic, mi am not ( not even Christian), but I observe Lent with him. I am giving up allowing myself to become upset by the opinions of others, especially in matters of weightloss. I belive each body is slightly different, operates slightly different and it is the job of the owner to figure out what those differences are.Not everyone feels this way, which indicates the way each of us is differently wired. Embracing tolerance in this matter and agreeing to disagree will allow me to learn something new I believe.Lent is about clearing away old, useless practices that keep us from close contact with the Divinity, who has created all things in perfection. When we focus on our own "voice" as the Divinity, we lose sight of the real thing and are harmed in the process. lent is a good time to turn this around for the good.
NO, i don't observe lent, really not any religion though i was raised Methodist. I find myself drawn to Wicca practices more and more. Or at least i find it interesting. I wish you all the luck. I know you can so do it. If you can run 9 miles you can do this. Question though.......recording the stuff you are missing, .....isn't that kind of cheating???Now, i don't know anything about this so please don't get upset with me just asking. Jinx!My 22 year old daughter LOVES the fact i ask the tought questions......yea right....if you believe that i'll sell you some beach front property...LOL!I just thought that if your recording it then your really not doing without...right? no? yes? ???
BAH Jinxxxy! I never thought about that. But in truth, I do pretty much miss it all. The real deal is that I am NOT sitting in front of the tv for those 46 days, at all. And also, I would like to add, does that mean I should throw away my girl scout cookies? I mean, they are waiting for me in the freezer? Alas, I think I will just be OK with recording it, and pretending to not realize that I will only get to watch a couple of hours of all that tv at most!
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