Shew, I have another week of more raw foods in me. I am glad. Parts of it were really rough, other parts shockingly easy. I do really like this better than Body For Life. So does my tummy!
Tummy Proof: Went out to eat on Friday night, had a grilled ham and cheese. NEVER doing that again. Not only did I feel sooooo sick to my stomach, but for two days (until my wonderful green fasting day) I felt uncomfortably full. Have I been living like that? Bloated and almost sick to my stomach? The next night I took it a little more easy. I am glad. I was not as uncomfortable. Now if I could just get my sweet hubby to take that cobbler I made to work, then I would be set! haha!
Had another green fast on Sunday. I really like those. Feels like any 'sins' I had in my diet over the last week, are washed out. I also like the simplicity. I do not have to think about food for a whole day. My husband does not mind, he loves cooking and only has time on the weekends, so we are all happy!
Random note... they are STILL playing Madonna's Vogue on MTV? Really? I am so old.
I have been running with my buddy again. Today we did an early morning workout. It was a lot of jumping and minor lifting. It was not hard, but I was tired at the end. There were parts that I could not complete, but that was only because I am not strong enough yet! Give me a few weeks! haha!
Oh, and on the body front. I have about 10 days till the skinny freak family reunion. I weigh almost what I did three years ago when I got pregnant. However, my body SO does not look the same! ha! As to be expected, right? That having babies is pretty hard on a body, and I am just now really taking care of her, so I will let her do her work. I do feel like I have lost quite a bit of muscle. Today I noticed that though my legs look really thin, they look ANYTHING but strong. I would rather have much bigger legs that are strong! Must remember that! Need to get my ball out and keep those bands in my face so I will do them! I am rested enough from being so sick, seriously!
Now for another week. I am on my last week of coffee. I am so sad, but ready. I am down to the tiny tea cup of coffee in the am. Is it sad that it gets cold before I finish it? Yeah, I thought so too! I need to really concentrate on getting my smoothies in. I also need to eat more, I know that. EAT JRo, EAT!
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