Thursday, September 3, 2009

Challenge Me

Even though I have eaten my weight in ice cream the past week (at least it feels like it) I am not beat.

I have been looking online at things that are very motivating to me. I am one that needs a goal, a challenge, an end date, an event. Yes I know my life is an event.. but I need some mini goals to get me through the marathon that is life. I must not quit running.

Soo, I have found a couple of things. Two of them are challenges on Tosca Reno's forum. The other one is from my blogging buddy Ruthie. I am a little apprehensive of taking on too much on at a time. So, I will be mulling it over.

The Tosca Reno Forum challenges are as follows:
1) FIT INTO FALL: 8 week challenge
This one basically asks you to
"state a solid goal (ex. body fat % goal, weight goal, inches lost goal, clothing size goal, particular diet you want to follow, particular fitness regime you want to follow)"
It lasts for 8 weeks. Starts
when you want it to in September
2) Pick Your Pleasure.
Starts on September 20th and lasts 12 weeks. This one has LOTS of options. Too many to bother typing in here! So I will give you the ones I am choosing from.
They are as follows:
  • Improve time it takes to complete a circuit of exercises (I will do the intermediate set, I think)
  • Improve mile time on a treadmill
  • No sugar &/or no alcohol
  • things to that effect... there are a lot of them, you can pick or choose.

Ruthie's, you can read here. I would like to do that one. Thing is, my goal is not so much to fit into that dress. I think if I can just get it zipped halfway, that would be more than good for me. Kinda not fair since I was SUPER thin and now I have like a zillion more 'girls' to deal with. Not sure I can get even thinner, nor do I want to, than I was then! ha! And... well, I never seem to lose weight up top. I know, I am lucky. My goal end date on this one would be my 8th anniversary, July 19th. That would give me 10 months. I think sometimes my "I can't do this" voice comes from trying to get too much too soon.

Soo, what do you guys think?

I really want to actively deal with the cooking issues. Back when I built an incredible body before... I ate very simply. Fine with me, but I have Sweet Love and The Boy to feed now! haha! So I need to find a way to cook simply, but keep it yummy for them, and within The Boy's food sensitivity constraints. I was kinda hoping these challenges would help me focus on something outside of my hatred of cooking, while still keeping me making healthy meals. You know, kind of like putting on that tiara and music helps me with those toilets! hehe!

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