Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kick in the pants PLEASE

I am requesting a swift, HARD kick in the pants. I have basically scooted by for the past month. I cannot do this anymore. I already have a squishy middle and I can feel my little hermit feet planting firmly into the comfort and 'safety' of the house. Why? I guess I am freaking out more (on the inside) about this eating thing for The Boy? I can't think of anything else. I have been pushing off the hounding desire for Oreos... but that has been easy only because I have not left the house except to go to church since my mom left. Ugh.

Please... leave me a comment that will light the fire under my swelling tail end. Leave me bruised and hurting, but still able to limp out for a run! :)


Laura said...

Do you really want the comment? Only if you leave me one too...

You are no longer at the fork in the road, you are sprinting your way down the "I'm a failure, if I can not do it perfect the first time I might as well give up and never have the joy of finishing, poor me" road. Fine! You win the easy battle. Go JRo, Go sit on that couch, Go eat those Oreos, Go be a hermit. Instead of running yourself, stuff the cookies down and watch Track and Field. (oops I just did that!)

I love you JRo, dearly. You are better than that. But until you are so unhappy where you are and are desperate for that change, you will be where you are. (familiar?)

Lastly, The Boy's eating is NOT a great excuse. That is called life and it is your hand of cards at the moment. Play it well.

JRo said...

How did you know I was watching track and field events???

Does sound familiar... hanging head in shame. You are right. I (bold, underlined and italics) have to be the one that makes the choice.

Ruthie said...

ok.. heres my 2 cents :)

#1 . you are coming through a major shift in your family life. You are the mother! which in all families signafies "life and give me food NOW" .. so.. this whole food alergy thing has thrown you for a loop..(I AM remembering right that it is food allergies right?) and thats totally understandable! I think it would be a very very hard transition. So.. just hang in there... it will get easier.

#2. In our society we are led to believe that food is our reward, our savior, our comforter, and our counselor. When we feel bad (we eat) when we are happy (we eat) when we are busy (we eat fast) when we are relaxing (we eat munchie foods) .. all this to say that we have been programed.. YES I said PROGRAMED to eat and NOT CARE. from the time we were children.. in our society.. food was always there .. for every reason, season, and more.

here is my question..
why is it that in other parts of the world people eat beans and rice, or rice and rice, or mutton and rice.. and are still happy??. They are thankful for what they have.. and they gather their happiness from other sources. Our culture is just a dead end when it comes to being healthy. (please understand i am speaking to myself here too :)

I struggle and get very emotional about this whole food thing. I hate the fact i was raised to eat whenever, whereever and that it was a NORM to eat 12 oreos and drink a 12 oz coke for lunch... it was OK.
but ... it wasnt until i turned 38 that i realized IT WAS NEVER OK!

All this to say..
Please dont feel bad about a little bobble in the road of getting healthy. Please dont feel down about doing whats best for your child. Please remember that sugar is in everything and that it is addicting! The "bad" good tasting foods in our society are addicting.. so when you are switching to healthy eats.. you are breaking an addiction.. ITS OK! AND IT WILL GET EASIER!

the main thing is that you didnt quit.. ... if you had quit.. you wouldnt have posted. :)

i dont know if that was a good comment or not.. and i am sorry it is sooooo long.. but i am a bit passionate about this whole topic of food, trying desperately to get healthy and staying that way :)


just take it one day at a time.. or half a day at a time..
what can you do to make it easier?
more snacks, smaller but more meals, getting your workout in as soon as you can?

I think i will stop now.. i am probably running out of room :)

and remember
"life is always better on the other side of a good run :) "


Laura said...

Amen and Amen.