When I met Laura she was all the things I wanted to be: confident, great hair, makeup on, cared that her hubby had something pretty to look at when he got home (sounds so backwards, but I just think our hubbies SHOULD get to come home to a hottie, right?). Anyway, I am so NOT that. I am lazy to a fault about my appearance. I have hair in a constant ponytail, sloppy jeans and holey t-shirts, never an ounce of makeup,
Fast forward a few years. Now Laura is ALWAYS in workout gear. Granted, her hair is still perfect (she is just lucky I have found out) and she usually has SOME sort of makeup on, and she has even MORE confidence. I feel so bad that I have rubbed off on her in the clothing department however! She was supposed to rub off on me! haha! When I 'confronted' her about it, she showed me her closet. The poor girl has the most pathetic closet I have ever seen. Seriously. One should not have the luxury of a closet the size of hers, and only have 5 shirts in it! Seriously,
five shirts. You know what... since she is loosing weight at light speed, her closet apparently cannot keep up!

Now to my part. I do feel bad that she is so comfortable in workout gear, but I don't feel bad for the part I have played in her finding love for working out. Anyway, she came over the other day and we went through
my closet. I share a tiny closet with Sweet Love. Now
my closet, looks like hers! Once I got rid of everything that did not fit, was not flattering, and had holes in it (that was, sadly, the bulk of my daily clothing), I am left with this (pictured)....
Hmm, all I feel the need to invest in right now is workout gear, so that is all I have (hanging shelves). Now I get it... she is investing in her future right now, not her clothes. Thank goodness. And I thought I was going to have to face God in the last days for the sin of pulling my beautiful friend into my pit of laziness! hahaha!
Ooh, and look at all those empty hangers just waiting for all the clothes I get to get for the 'new' me in October. Cannot wait for our shopping spree!

One more thing... Sweet Love came home early so we all went to the park. I am
so not an outside lover, but I put on a sports bra and even brought my good attitude! Look how cute That Boy was! He loved having mom and dad play Jump with him! (we all lined up on the curb, counted to three, and jumped. I revved it up by jumping the whole time. What do you know, I almost had fun outside!)
You can down me on wearing workout wear, but have you seen how hot I look in it. And you are right, now I am investing in my future, clothes will come later. And yes, my hair and face is always done! Even when I go to the gym, not that I am trying to impress - you so know I drip sweat on the floor...
Good for you for realizing some things. Funny how you desperately want people to think you are outdoorsy, and yet you are constantly holed up in a dark house. Getting outside helps you remember why we do what we do as women, wives and mothers. Just like when my kids saw me racing with them for the first time!
One last thing...it's LOSING!!!
soo irritated, I just posted the longest comment and it didn't save it. BAH!
You can down me all you want for wearing my workout wear...have you seen how hot I look in it? Yes, now I am investing in my future; clothes will come later. Plus, if my hair and face look good - the rest is just bonus! ha ha ha
Good you are realizing all these different things. Even I forget you hate being outside and am always wondering why you hole up in a dark house! Being outside helps us remember why we do what we do as woman, wives and mothers. Plus the kids love it. I'll never forget the look on the boys face when I took off running with them. Can't beat that.
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