Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sick & Sore

I am a little sore. Mostly deep down in my back and shoulder muscles. I swear there is something wrong with me that I cannot work hard enough to be sore! What a thing to worry about! haha!

I am sick. I tried to deny it for a few days, but last night sealed it. I ate soup (I LOATHE soup, but it makes you feel better when you are sick) and I could not sleep for all the snot, sore throat and slight empty cough. Yuck. Oh well. I actually feel fine other than the throbbing head. I am still undecided on the workout today. It would be legs. My knees are killing me, but then, they always are a good indicator on the toxin levels in my body! Or, an impending storm! *Geeze I am getting old*

So, I will do my best today. Good thing I cannot taste anything. I can eat super healthy! haha!

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