Friday, February 13, 2009

Nine Miles

This morning my running buddy and I ran 9 miles (since we were just not going to be able to fit it in this weekend). Wow.. that took F-O-R-E-V-E-R! I think, after I get this goal accomplished... that I will be more of a 10 and 15K racer. I just think that 6 miles is my golden spot! Long enough for me to feel like a warrior, but not so long that I get bored or worse yet, know I will be bored so I don't even want to start!

It did feel good to go farther than I have ever gone before. And it was SO easy after I got past those first three miles. Those always hurt. I just can't figure that out!

Anyone have tricks for hiding, or carrying water for those long runs? I tried to carry a bottle and now my shoulders are SO sore and I just wanted to throw it across the road. I ended up hiding it around mile 2 in some bushes. Hope a dog did not tinkle on it while I was not watching! haha! Oh, and while I am at it... any pre long run nutrition ideas? We usually get up and run first thing in the morning.. but after 7 miles I just ran out of gas. So far I have been eating a banana before heading out the door, but even that isn't enough.


SarahEliz said...

have you tried running with a fuel belt? frees up your hands when you're running since you don't have to carry your water/gatorade and if it's one with a pocket, you can put a gel in there to refuel mid-run.

for a little more energy, try adding a piece of toast with PB to your banana so that you get some carbs and protein. i also like oatmeal for breakfast before a long run, good for long-lasting energy.

good luck figuring out what works best for you!!

jinxxxygirl said...

I cannot even imagine running that far! Thats so awesome! Its also nice you have someone to run with. Since i don' run as far as you i don't have much advice to offer. Unfortunately. I can barely wrap my head around going further than three. But i know i need to , to get my 5k times better. I just love it when you comment on my blog. Thanks so much! My daugher, who used to be a cross country runner in high school and is now 22 has decided to bring running back in her life. She has started a blog at I'm her only follower so far and i know she is struggling. A word from a fellow runner sure would help when you have a minute. Your doing great girl. Maybe one day i can see myself going further. Jinx!

zooman said...

So you blog also, wow, that is really cool. I had to slow down on it for a spell as the satellite system we have takes too long to process the videos I like to do.
Talk to you soon,