Sunday, October 12, 2008

Detox Yikes

Today I drank two whole pitchers of green smoothie, with the mean green killer called Kale included! ;) I am SOOOOOOOOOO thirsty, and I am soooo going to be sorry tomorrow! ;) Oh, and I swear this stuff is ripping tar like stuff from my poor digestive system. I do wonder what I would have left for a 'real' detox like Laura is doing! :) Haha!

Been reading up on Tosca Reno's Clean Eating Workout book. She is serious. I am excited about it. She has some 'sample' workouts that sound like they would really help me feel like I got things accomplished in only two days at the gym. Also, she give a really nice comprehensive review of about everything I know about weight lifting, and I even learned something! (You would think, since I know it all, I would look like her... but alas, I just never give enough!) Haha, I slay myself! :)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hhhmmm not been the cleanest eater later and then go straight for 2 pitchers of green. Girl, you gotta find the balance between all or nothing! ha ha ha

I picked back up the C.E.W. book during my bathroom time on detox. It will prolly be a nice change once I'm thru with my current thing...but that will be weeks and weeks!