Tuesday, March 30, 2010


There are things that annoy me, aggravate me maybe?

1.) Gave up cokes over a year ago, don't lose a pound.
2.) Give up sweets, coffee (which I drink with a TON of half & half), AND stopped giving The Boy wheat TOTALLY (which means that there isn't any in the house for me to eat either). Still don't lose an OUNCE!
3.) We eat so little processed foods (and products for that matter) now that I can't ever seem to get 'benefit' out of sales or coupons. That coupon mom thing.. such a waste of my energy. We only eat meat, veggies and some grains. Oh, and I still have not lost a pound.
4.) Got a little bonus and instead of getting to spend it on those hardwood floors I have been drooling over for months (lets get serious, it has been years), and instead have to spend it on plumbing. Exciting.

The good news.. we had the money already to spend on that little plumbing adventure. We did not even have to dig into savings. God is so 'funny' like that. I should have known! HAHAHA!

Also, I did not give up cokes to lose weight. I did it to be healthier. And as for the sweets, coffee, and wheat, well that was for Lent, and for God's glory, not my own. And as for all the lack of processed foods, well, I have had to learn how to not hate cooking so much. I still don't like to do it, but every once in a while, I catch myself having fun. I know, how does that happen?

I think that happened because I finally listened to that calling in my heart to actively take The Boy alongside me as I work all day and teach him. He LOVES LOVES LOVES LOVES to cook. I mean LOVES. He gets so excited that he can't even breath. He loves it. I get to giggling over him and spend enough of my energy keeping him out of stuff or finding ways that he can help me, that my mind can't take up brainwaves to gripe! How great is that? Also, I have found that when he 'cooks' the meal, he is much more likely to eat it up like a ravenous monkey. That is important stuff since he has suddenly decided to be 'picky'. Little does he know that is SO not going to fly in this house. That is one thing mom & dad are in TOTAL agreement about!

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