Monday, May 24, 2010

Delts & Abs oh, and a little cardio too!

The workout plan I am doing right now I LOVE. I like how it splits up my muscle groups and how I get to hit the weights FOUR whole times a week. I think I will stick with some variation of this for a long time coming. I really like it. New and exciting. My muscles have not stopped complaining and I love it. Oh, and I also feel a tiny bit of freedom that if a morning does not work out, it is OK, because I always have a day I do not HAVE to go to the gym during the week. Freedom is a good thing.

I especially like that there are a couple more exercises JUST for delts. Shoulders are my biggest lacking muscle group. I never feel like they are big enough and pop to make the rest of me appear slimmer. I have struggled finding a way to emphasize them, but now I have the way! They have their own day paired up with abs. That way they still get hit on days like chest, but I can really annihilate them on their own special day.

This whole $1000 pay out has made me focus the tiny bit more energy I needed to make workout ALWAYS happen. Sad that I just now realize that it takes like only half an ounce more energy than I was giving before.

For instance, I was honestly too tired to get up at 5am this morning. I would have been dangerous on the road. So I committed to lift at home during naptime, and I actually did it. It did not RUIN naptime like I thought it would. Granted, I would not want to make it a habit, but nice to know I have the option and it is a GREAT option. THEN, I went for a super speedy walk around the park while my boys played soccer. They always want me to go to the park with them, but I hate it. Wish I knew why, but man do I hate it. This time, I got something done I needed to do, and they were actually happy because I made the walk to the park and back with them and even played soccer for a whole 10 minutes with them. (That is about my limit anyway. I rather do crafts, or *gasp* cook with him!)

Now I have three more lifting days this week and 2 more cardio sessions on the books. I have a full week, but this just adds some stressless icing. Why do I ever fall off the wagon when it feels so good to be on that wagon? I need to post when I feel the self-sabotage demon coming on! Gotta analyze that one right out of my way.

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