Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kcals and MacroNutrients

My little brother is a nutrition science GEEK. You should see him. He is evidence of his geekiness too. He is fit, and lean, and very strong. He looks like an Abercrombie model. Doesn't hurt that he is awful pretty, in the most manly sense of the word of course! He even has a wife, two young kids and they both work and are active in their church and have a nice little social life.

He and I have always shared a love of fitness and nutrition and how one can sculpt the body with the right tools and knowledge. He is just WAY geekier about it than me, and, well, he is living proof of his knowledge!

I have been SO sick of wavering around and not getting serious, so this week, I set up a challenge and decided to bring my geeky family member into it too! He is LOVING it. He always wants to tell all of us what to do. He is a middle child you see, and I was ALWAYS telling him what to do, so I guess it is my due!

Here is what I did. I have saved up $1000 for that figure contest. Yeah, I know, I told you I felt like God wanted me to lose some weight already and get strong and lean! So, I gave ALL that money to my brother. I get to EARN it back by sticking to the diet he has set me up with and doing ALL the workouts in the current issue of Muscle & Fitness Hers 'Transformation Challenge'. If I complete a week successfully, then $100 goes back into my 'contest account'. However, if I fail, that same $100 gets paid to my MORTGAGE. He said that was a win win since we are trying to pay it off early, but yeah, I would SO rather spend that $$$ on me since I scrimped and saved it. I am selfish like that. Anyway, back to the challenge. I have 8 weeks to complete this challenge. But you say, that is only $800. Yep, I know. Those last $200 are tricky. See, if I screw up and lose $100 one day, I wanted a way to not let myself feel like I could just lay in the ground and ruin the whole week by eating like crap etc. (as I am wont to do sometimes). So now, I can lose $100 in a week, but if I wallow in my failure, then I lose an ADDITIONAL $100. However, if I pick myself up, and continue on like a biggy girl, then I will not be penalized any extra. I will get that $$$ back at the end.

This is the first time in my LIFE that I have been counting calories. EVER. I have learned so much in just these three days. I am even more amazed and impressed in the value of veggies. Especially greens. I already have a love affair with green smoothies. But did you know that FOUR cups of mixed greens is only 15 calories? WHAT? All that food, all those amazing nutrients, with that little tiny amount of calories to work off. Shocking. I think I will come out of this on the other side with a new respect for fruits and veggies and maybe, just maybe, I will finally be woman enough to cut up all those veggies and eat them up like I actually LIKE to do. (It is the cutting up and cooking that I always trip over, I love eating them.)

I will do another post about the specifics of my brothers plan and try to do a semi decent job of chronicling my progress. My brother is giddy, rubbing his hands together, e-mailing me more in one day than he has in the whole month before! He asked me to take 'before' pictures. I told him he needed to start a dossier because he has already given me more info than I have ever found on my own. And he KNOWS how to back up his knowledge. I only thought I was a research nerd!

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